Monday, May 23, 2011


Missing my Granny Ruth today so bad. It has been just a sad day. Thinking about her and her cakes. I'll tell ya dat story one day. Got down one of her dishes today and ate off of it just to feel closer to her. She would have loved my children to pieces. Hoping to get out in the garden tomorrow and plant some flowers in her honor and memory. My baby girl Kyra's picture of a rainbow made me happy today on a stormy dark kind of day. :( <3 love you Granny! <3

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

18 years...

Wow! August the 1st ~ I celebrated my 18th wedding anniversary with my gift from God. How in the world has this man stayed with me for 18 years I will never know! WHY in the world this man has stayed with me for 18 years I will never know! Thank you God for this man in my life and for the 6 blessings that you have bestowed upon us.

I remember back in the day not being able to "go out" with anyone for too long without getting bored. I also remember not wanting to get married or have children. I guess meeting "the right person" can change one's perspective on life. This man is so patient, kind, loving and caring. But I guess the one thing about this man that has kept me around all these many years is that he never tries to change me into something I am not. He accepts me just the way I am. I wish everyone I came in contact with was like that. I do not have a personality that sits well with people trying to change me. I am very open minded but once I make up my mind...well, that's it. advice to anyone getting married or looking for someone to marry is find someone you wouldn't change a thing about. Because you can't change anything about someone unless they want to change. And please find someone who you can laugh with because life is hard and you need lots of laughter to make it through.

Don't be selfish! If you can't or don't want to do more for this person than yourself then don't marry them. It's not a give and take ~ it's a give, give, give! That's what love is about ~ giving yourself...everything to this person.

Christians marry Christians ~ please make it easy on yourself!

I love you my wonderful hubby! You are my "Gift" from God and always will be!!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are you a sunflower? You should be!

Sunflowers. Have you ever thought about them? What an awesome plant! The sunflower is one of my favorite flowers. It didn't used to be but after learning about them they are pretty amazing flowers. The more I thought about a sunflower the more I realized that I was a sunflower. How can a person be a sunflower you ask.

Well, do you know why a sunflower is called a sunflower? It's flower is actually called a head. Yes, just like our head. It keeps the face of it's head turned towards the sun and follows the sun all day. That's why when you look at a field of sunflowers or a picture of a field of sunflowers they all have their faces pointing the same way. That's how we should be as Christians. Our faces should be on Jesus the Son (sun) all day. Our heads should be basking in His light & warmth all day. They need full sun and we need to be fully in the Son all day. We should not concern ourselves with what others are doing or saying ~ we should concentrate on Him throughout our day in constant praise. We should not have our attention on what this person is wearing or what that person is saying and talking about people constantly. We should have our head on our Father's business of the day. We should be keeping our eyes on our Father and not on others. Sunflowers turn their heads eastward at night getting ready to follow the sun the next day. We should be ready to follow the Son the very next morning in great expectation of what the Son has in store for us. You only have a limited amount of days on this earth so make them exceptional!

Everyone knows what a sunflower is. Even people who don't care a thing about flowers! All you have to do is see one and know in a second...that's a sunflower. We should also be like that. People who know us should see we are a Christian. Not because we are constantly spouting off scriptures at them or preaching to them. They should know because they see something different about us. They should be able to tell we are Sunflowers (Sonfollowers) because of the way we handle our daily life. Christians are not perfect. But it is how we live day to day that should make us stand apart. We should be kind, loving, helpful, joyful, happy, caring and in constant praise of the Son. We should not be hateful, stuck-up, snotty, backstabbing, hypocritical, manipulative, gossipers or have a holier than thou attitude. When Jesus was here He did not act like that and neither should His followers.

Also, a sunflower provides food. Ask everyone you know if they have ever tried a sunflower seed. Probably everyone has at least tried one. Seeds and nuts are very good for us. The experts actually say you should have a few everyday. You should Google sunflower seeds and read about the healthy unsaturated fats, protein and fiber, plus important nutrients they have in them. They are a wonderful source of protein. Just like meat. We should provide meat to others. Meat being the Word of God. We should provide nourishment to others which is God's word. Everyday you need to have protein just like everyday you should be receiving nourishment from the bible. That is God's instructions for our care just like on the back of a seed packet. You wouldn't know what to do if you didn't read the instructions for your sunflower. It would not do well and neither will we without reading the instructions from the bible.

Did you know sunflowers come in all colors, shapes and sizes? But they are all sunflowers. Just like us. Christians come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Even different religions. Yes, there are Baptist, Methodist, Catholics, Presbyterians etc. That's why you need to have love for one another. We are all the children of God. Loving one another doesn't mean you have to like one another or have to be with one another. But, you need to love and pray for one another with a loving heart. If you do not have a loving heart towards others you do need to pray for Jesus to help you love your fellow human.

And lastly, sunflowers are happy! They bring joy and happiness. If you are driving and see a field of sunflowers you will know what I mean. It is breathtaking. You can't help to smile. We should be happy! Not meaning we never have problems but it's how we handle them. No worries! If God is for us who will be against us. We have the awesome creator of the universe on our side. What could you possibly be worried about. If you worry about things does it solve the problem? No it doesn't. It just tears down your body and makes you sick. Even the studies show stressing and worrying are bad for your body and wear you down so you are more susceptible to diseases and sicknesses. So be happy! Be joyful! Smile! Think of things that make you happy. Smile at people and tell them good things about themselves. You will be amazed that you can find something nice to say about everyone. Everyone wants to be around a happy person not a negative, grumpy, unhappy person! Be known for being happy and always having a smile. A kind word to someone even a stranger won't kill you but it might save the life of that person. You don't know what others are going through. There are others who are going through alot worse than you. It can always be worse so smile already!! Bring joy and happiness everywhere you go!

I know I am a simple person. A flower child. I receive joy from watching a hummingbird at my feeder, a baby's smile or seeing a flower. Especially a sunflower. But this came from the heart with lots of love. I hope you have a sunny, happy day and if you want to know how to become a sunflower (Sonfollower) feel free to talk to me. That's our job. To tell others about Jesus and seed the earth with new Christians. Planting seeds of the love of Jesus everywhere we go!

lots of love to you,
<3 Paula <3
A flower child of Jesus - I am a Sonflower!